Sunday, April 11, 2010

March 29 – Garner SP to Junction

It was a bit of a cool morning and we caught a great sunrise over the mountain our camp is at the base of. Got around and on the road. Saw y first Tom turkey of the season as we were leaving the park. Travel went well without any traffic except a few semis heading the opposite direction. Pulled into a little town named Junction and found a Super S Grocery store. Stopped for supplies and decided to stay at my first KOA campground there in town. I wanted a few amenities for the night and they had cable, WIFI and Laundry at their park located on the bank of the North Llano River. It was a nice park with friendly people but it’s pricy. $18 to do four loads of laundry! At least it’s done. Wandered around with Sunny and talked with campground folk. Got a recommendation for some good barbeque in town so went and got a plate. I mentioned sunny and they gave me a big container of scraps for her. Talk about a dog in heaven! There is a flock of domesticated ducks living in the park and every morning and night they parade from their pen to the river and back. At sunset deer come to the river on the far side so we sat and watch them before 24. Sure was nice to slide into clean sheets tonight…

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