Up early, walk and coffee. Breakfast then wanted to tire Sunny out before heading out for the day and wanted to walk her somewhere besides just around the RV park. We jumped in the truck and drove down the coast until we saw an abandoned boat harbor with some fishermen that seemed like a decent place to check out. It was interesting to see the remains post Katrina. Lots of garbage and broken glass around so after just a short walk, we headed on down the road to find a better place. Pulled into one of the many beach parking areas and headed towards the water. The rules sign #1 was no dogs on beach so there was another abandoned site next door we walked over there. Eerie seeing the interior floor covering on the slab with no building left. Clearly there was a huge destructive force that rolled through here.
About halfway around the maybe half mile walk we set out on, Sunny had a problem. Her hind legs were not working right and she was falling, struggling to get up and clearly not understanding what was wrong. When she was up she would try to walk and somewhat hop with her hind end. I made her stop and did my best to massage the areas most likely causing the problem and for her to cool/calm down. After a few minutes of R&R we headed towards the truck more successfully walking than previously but still with a significant hitch in her gitty up. Returned to camp and she seemed alright. Took a big nap all sprawled out in the sun. I put her inside and headed to the Jefferson Davis Home and Presidential Library. The estate was also severely damaged by Katrina. The house and many historical artifacts have been restored and were very interesting. The library was destroyed and is currently being rebuilt.
After leaving the Estate, I headed to the Maritime and Seafood Museum which was reported to be very interesting and have a huge aquarium with local sea life. I found it. Unfortunately it was also destroyed by Katrina. They have a temporary ‘room’ on a pier where Schooner tours are available. They have a platform on the roof of the pier building which provided a nice view.
Drove through the VA and Biloxi Veteran’s Cemetery. Quite large and full. I was surprised to see how many graves were from the last couple decades. Headed back to check on Sunny. She was sleeping soundly but woke up and wanted to go out. While on a short walk, she obviously wasn’t 100% but didn’t stumble like before.
Decided to head out for dinner but didn’t know where. I had driven by a particular place a couple times and thought it looked promising. Got on line and it came up very highly reviewed so I went. It was McElroy’s on the Bayou and I had a wonderful piece of broiled Red Snapper with crumbled crab and Cajun sauce while overlooking the bayou at sunset. The bottom picture was from my table.
On my way back and just at sunset drove through one of the oldest and most unique cemetery’s in Biloxi with many old and notable people. Did I mention there was a confederate cemetery at the Jefferson Davis estate? Seems like I’ve seen quite a few cemeteries lately…
Sunny walked alright except for one time near the beginning when it seemed like something in her rear end locked up and she stumbled a little. We’ll be taking it easy on big walks for the next few days.
Hi Steve; I am enjoying following your adventures, It makes me smile all the time. Take care dean