Woke up to no heat, which didn’t surprise me. I am not using the auto switch valve so I know when one tank is empty. Went out to switch propane tanks and found frost on everything. It was a beautiful, cool, crisp morning. Got the heat back on, made coffee and wrote a little. Took Sunny on a walk to a scenic overlook near the camp. The trail was steep but not too rough except in one area where the path went down some large boulder steps and Sunny took a less than ideal path. She got turned backwards on the rocks and couldn’t push up hard enough with her hind legs on the smooth rock to stop from sliding/rolling backward down the rocks about 5 feet to the bottom. Once on the flatter ground, we brushed her off, she shook it off and was fine. The pictures is of a typical trail section, not where whe fell.
The overlook was of two small waterfalls and worth the walk. Made it back to the trailer, packed up and put Sunny in the truck. While doing so I found a tick on her. And then another. Thankfully, both came off easily.
The route I took brought me to the LBJ Ranch and the Texas White House, about 15 miles west of Johnson City. Near the visitors center they have a life since bronze statue of LBJ pointing to towards the Pedernales River, where he felt at home. They provide you with a CD for your driving tour which takes you though the ranch with periodic stops including his burial site in the family cemetery and culminating at the White House of which you can have a guided tour.
There is an oak tree estimated to be 450 years old near the front of the house. The area used as an office during the Presidency has been restored to the office. The living room, dining room and kitchen were also part of the tour. The house was only turned over to the park service in 2007 after Ladybird’s death.
The tour road is through fields which have longhorns grazing. I also saw three Blackbuck Antelope and several white tail deer.
We followed Texas Ranch Road 1 west until it joined 280. There are a lot of grape and peach fields. Made it into Fredericksburg and was shocked to see a bunch of people in the downtown area. It’s a Monday after all.
Found and checked into the Ladybird Johnson Municipal Park about 3 miles south of town. After setting up we headed into town for a few groceries and a quick tour before sunset. We found Cross Mountain on the north side of town which is a large limestone and marl hill on top of which is and has been as long as white men have been here a large cross. It was a pretty strenuous climb to the top but the view overlooking Fredericksburg and the surrounding valley was great.
Discovered when we got back to they roll up the walks early. Watched 24. I filled my camera's primary disk and the free space on my extra disc today so I spent some time copying, backing up and cleaning off them off.
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