Rainy day. Went to office to pay for another night, no one was there so I used the drop box.
Took Sunny with me to the campus of Texas A&M for a big walk around campus (with an umbrella). Put the dog in the truck and visited the George H.W. Bush Library and Museum which is located on the campus. Very interesting museum. Access to the library is by reservation only, you cannot take any paper of any sort into the library area and a caretaker provides you with the requested documents, paper and pencil. This is to ensure that nothing is removed from or, as importantly I learned, ADDED to the archives. A lot of gifts to the president from both foreign and domestic sources were displayed along with a very through history of GHWB’s life and service to the country.
In a courtyard of the museum, there is a large statue with bronzes horses running through the Berlin wall representing freedom.
After the museum, we drove around the campus on a little tour and found a post office. Rain never really let up all night.
Was there any Skull & Bones stuff there?