Sunday, June 20, 2010

May 11 - Prescott

Toured downtown Prescott this morning. Visited the National Forest Service office to inquire about good hiking trails and maps. Stopped by the visitor’s center/ chamber of commerce for tourist brochures and ideas of places to eat.

As with many other small towns, Prescott has a center square with the courthouse surrounded by a park with memorial. Surrounding the square are businesses with one street of mainly bars historically known as ‘whiskey row’. Sunny and I walk around downtown and I went to lunch at the ‘famous’ Palace Saloon. Very old and ornate place with old photos and artifacts. There was a very touching plaque commemorating the life of the former "community dog" Mike.

Heading out of town, we went to Lynx Lake which has a primitive trail around it. Beautiful walk and sunny got to swim. Stopped by Wal-Mart for supplies on the way back to camp.

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