Tuesday, May 25, 2010

April 17 - Santa Fe

Rainy day. Weather reports said it was snowing where we drove yesterday. Did some necessary tasks in trailer. We took a walk when the rain let up and could really smell juniper trees. Saw a couple rabbits on the walk and those, as well as the crows, seem extraordinarily large.

The folks at dinner last night had highly recommended this really little restaurant nearby called Bobcat Bites. It was named for the cats which historically came to the back door for a snack. Due to its popularity and possible reduced number of cats, they haven’t had one stop by in several years. Only 24 seats in the whole place. Great burgers and a big picture window with bird feeders and a view of the mountains directly behind the counter where I sat.

Returned to camp, worked a little on the blog, walked Sunny and met five couples from Finland, each with their own motor home, here on vacation. They really liked Sunny.

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